How To Generate A Fast Income Doing Cost Per Action Offers(Part 2)

In my last post we discussed about what CPA is all about PLUS

·       How much income CPA  can Earn you if you do it right (when just starting out of course)
·       Tips On how to get accepted in your application to CPA networks
·       I also gave suggestion on what type of  CPA Offers are easier to convert a lead and make money from
·       I listed an exhaustive list of  valid CPA NETWORKS you can register with to have a CPA account

We are going to commence on the continuation. You are going to

·       learn How to select a Quick converting CPA offer ,
·       How to do keyword research for the offer you chose in order to determine profitability or demand of the offer and
·        Finally learn a detailed real life working strategy utilized to make our CPA offer sell! Yielding us real money

Lets  GO AHEAD...

How to select a quick Converting CPA offer
Without wasting much our time we will need to select 5-10 CPA offers which are available on our CPA account dashboard. Let’s stick to the recommendation I made in the previous post. 

If you are just joining us
I recommend that you read the first part of this article and have a view of the topic being treated so as to have a complete comprehension of this continuation.
To select a quick converting CPA offer, we have chosen email submits and zip submit offers as the category. We are then going to choose 5-10 offers in this email/zip submit category. They must meet up to the following criteria below

1.    Be Less competitive,
2.    Have High demand(search volume)
3.    Have  good K.E.I   (I am going to show you a superb software I
 use to determine this very important aspect it works like magic)
4.    Have  a sweet landing page
5.    Must be Track able

You must always bear this checklist in mind whenever you want to choose a CPA offer this will help you laser-pick the best existing CPA offer available for you to maximize your campaign success rate.

Now we shall commence to figure out how to ‘prac-tactically’(my word coinage gotten by making a cross between practical and Tactical) determine  each  of the 5 points on the above criteria- this is the meat and success of this  money making strategy, and this all important research is vital to the success rate of any of your CPA offer campaigns.

One Word – You need  this process to actually make real money online using the avenue of making money don’t…Never make the mistake of promoting any CPA offer without this necessary ground work OR YOU ARE SIMPLY PLANING TO FAIL simple as that!

First Strategy First
You've applied and you've gotten accepted in a CPA network. You've also created a simple  blog using about 30mins to do and its simple). You've selected email/zip submit as your category and you've gotten your affiliate links. fine and Congratulations! you’re right in line. Now you are going to  search and select 5-10 email/zip submit offers selected from offers under

·       Health product free trials offer
·    Beauty products Test
·       Free games trial offer
·       Free gift cards
*Free mobile phone trials*

Lets go ahead to research on  'free mobile phone trial offer' .You are going to make use of some specific tools to unearth the profit potential,competition and traffic  potential of the CPA  offers we intend to promote in say 'free mobile phone trials offer' 

Second Strategy Second;
Researching To find out Existing demand for your chosen offer is the next task we must embark on and to do just that we are going to make use of 4 sites to help us  get the all important statistics we need to make an excellent CPA offer promotion and as well make substantial money.The 4 sites we will use are Google ,eBay, AOL, Wordcount these 4 sites are an excellent resource to utilize to extract the vital marketing info which we need.there are other resources though but let's  concentrate on a few for now,lets use these 4 sites to shorten time and reduce a lot of complexities


view the top ten most popular searches these are top ten products topic or trend that are hot on the moment;they're listed from 1-10 in their relative order of priority ,that is, in order of importance with no.1 being the hottest and No.10 being the least hot but they are all graded under the latest trend of the moment.Our further action will be to seize this trending opportunity and find an offer which we can promote in the trend;
Make a list of the Top ten searches and save them somewhere.

Next,   head over to    

click on hot searches and you'll also get a list of HOT trending searches which you can now inspect and also note down. Recently these are hot searches trending right now on hotsearch.

Below is a list of hot trends which we can take advantage of, they're listed respectively to each site responsible                                                                                              

*Celebrity*eBay February 25, 2013   Top Listing Keywords

iphone 4
iphone 4s
ipod touch
ipad 3rd generation
ipad 2
iphone 4 case
iphone 3gs
samsung galaxy s ii
ipod touch 4th generation
xbox 360
apple iphone 4s
kindle fire
Top Category Keywords
banana republic
apple ipod
air compressor
apple ipod

 Hot search AOL   Top searches                                                   

James Arthur
Emma Stone
Miley Cyrus
Kelly Osbourne
Kristen Stewart

Google Nexus 5
iPhone 6
Kindle HDX
Google smartwatch
iPad Air

Alastair Cook
Man United
Chepstow racing
Champions League
Dustin Johnson

Doctor Who
Ripper Street
Graham Norton Show

Downton Abbey HOT SEARCHES
Saturday, 09-Nov-2013 04:02:08 GMT
1 call of duty black ops zombies
2 perk cola
3 nintendo card
4 world of warcraft poster
5 call of duty poster
6 arcade poster
7 cod zombies
8 atari ad rs mw
9 video game ads
10 gears of war t shirt
11 vintage game poster
12 nintendo ad
13 tekken poster
14 poster metal gear
15 club nintendo japan
16 world of warcraft cup
17 angry birds poster
18 playstation 3 lanyard
19 metal gear edition rs 
20 nintendo 64dd
21 club nintendo platinum
22 earthbound mother
23 sangokushi 12
24 sega promo
25 video game tshirt Nintendo
27.portal gun game memorabilia of duty zombies ops zombies
31.atari poster

WOW ! we now have a lot of information on what's hot just the right kind of information we need. Next for us now is to chose from among the list of hot search results the one that closely tallies with our promotion interest and make a keyword research on it  using google keyword tool(keyword planner).Lets take a break now.

ComingUp  Next:
In my next blog we are going to see how to find out how much traffic is available to the offer we intend to promote in our CPA campaign and a lot of other relevant information which we need for our succesfull CPA offer campaign promotion